To change the email you use to log in to your account, start by logging in through the mobile app or steward web portal. Tap on My Account, then tap on Edit Profile Info. In the User Profile section, type your new email in the Email (Login) field. Tap Save.
IMPORTANT: If you are trying to transfer stewardship of a library to another person, please use the transfers feature instead. Note that you cannot change your login email to one that is already in use by another account. You cannot have more than one account using the same email address.

After you save your change, you will see a brief message saying your profile has been updated. You will now see red text beneath your updated email stating that you need to confirm your new email address. A confirmation email will immediately be sent to your new email address. The confirmation email will come from You must open the email and click the link to confirm your email change. If you do not take this step, the email change will not go into effect.
Having trouble? Contact us and we can help.