We found 145 results for your search.

Tips From The Field – How To Promote Your Library And Engage Your Community

Springdale Presbyterian’s Little Free Library

The Little Free Library outside of Springdale Presbyterian Church in Louisville, Kentucky is literally overflowing. From preschool field trips to plant sales, they have done such an excellent job promoting… Continue reading Tips From The Field – How To Promote Your Library And Engage Your Community

7 Cheap and Creative Ways to Expand your Little Free Library Book-Sharing Box

A wagon is a convenient and easy way to add more book storage to your Little Free Library book-exchange. Keep it in the garage and wheel it out whenever you want! Image credit: @rebeccaedicola

You figured out how to start a Little Free Library book exchange, and things are going well, but you’ve got a problem: too many books! Many Little Free Library volunteer stewards quickly… Continue reading 7 Cheap and Creative Ways to Expand your Little Free Library Book-Sharing Box

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