Dog Man Little Free Library book-sharing boxes are popping up across the United States! In partnership with Scholastic, we’ve granted 50 Little Free Libraries—one for each of the 50 United States—to sites catering to children and families through our “Power Up with Reading” initiative.
Dog Man author and illustrator Dav Pilkey donated 50,000 books to support these libraries. Each Dog Man Little Free Library box will include free copies of Dog Man: The Scarlet Shedder, as well as a wide assortment of children’s titles from Scholastic’s “The Power of Story” collection, which aims to highlight books featuring diverse characters and stories.
The first Dog Man Little Free Library was unveiled at a school in Cleveland, Ohio, Pilkey’s birthplace, on March 19—which was also the global publication date of Dog Man: The Scarlet Shedder, the newest book in the wildly popular series. See the locations of the rest of the libraries in the map below, and keep scrolling to see photos from a few other Dog Man library launches.
Phoenix, Arizona

“One of the kids was so excited to find a book, that when we told them they could all grab a book he was the first one in there!” shared Meg S. of Southwest Human Development.

Washington, D.C.

Keokuk, Iowa

Hodgenville, Kentucky

“A fun tradition at Abraham Lincoln Elementary is that the most voracious readers are invited to the library’s sleepover on the last day of school each May to celebrate books and their reading achievements,” shared Jennifer P, librarian at Abraham Lincoln Elementary. “The six students who earned an impressive two hundred Accelerated Reader points were bestowed the honor of cutting the ribbon at the formal opening of our Little Free Library. They had such fun choosing their free book and digging into some of the boxes generously donated by Scholastic, and they helped me prepare for the public grand opening event scheduled for the following day for once we’d all caught up on some sleep. We had several families visit, and one of my pups even joined the fun! Families registered for prizes, enjoyed snacks, and most importantly chose a book and related Dog Man goodies from our new lending library. It was and continues to be an awesome success and I’ve received such positive feedback from the community.”
Windsor Mill, Maryland

“The ribbon cutting ceremony for Chadwick’s Dog Man LFL was held on May 21st, 2024,” shared Amy Y., Library Media Specialist at Chadwick Elementary School. “Fourth grade students cut the ribbon and received the first copies of Dav Pilkey’s Dog Man The Scarlet Shedder from the LFL. Senator Benjamin Brooks attended and presented Chadwick Elementary School with an official citation. Over 600 community members attended the event. Each child received a new book of their choosing!”

Summit, Mississippi

“We had a wonderful opening and I’m enjoying seeing family post pictures about visiting this summer,” said Beckie N., teacher and librarian at North Pike Elementary School. “The student who was selected to open it got a book and we told everyone how they could come from now on and take a book, share a book. We did that as a chant and cheer.”

New York, New York

Is there a Dog Man Little Free Library near you? Download our free mobile app and look for the Dog Man icon! Tap the search magnifying glass, then select “Location” and type in your city. In the “Choose Indicators” section at the bottom, select “Dog Man.” Tap the purple “Search” button to see the Dog Man icon pop up! (Hint: Try “Atlanta” or “New York” if your city doesn’t display the icon.)

We are incredibly grateful to Scholastic and Dav Pilkey for supporting this project, which brings book joy and more equitable book access to kids! Learn more about our Impact Library Program, which provides no-cost Little Free Library book exchanges to communities where books are scarce, and placed all of the Dog Man Little Free Libraries.