Attention all Harry Potter fans: We’re sharing some of the most awesome Little Free Libraries featuring a Harry Potter theme. (We think Hermione, especially, would love these book-sharing boxes.)
1. Quidditch, Anyone?
A middle-school librarian in Stoughton, Wisconsin, is the steward of Little Free Library #41984, which features Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy flying overhead.

2. A Buttoned-Up Library
Buttons adorn this Harry Potter–themed Little Free Library (#53693) outside a school in Hampton-in-Arden village, UK.

3. What’s Your Hogwarts House?
The sorting hat on this Little Free Library (#44815) in Council Bluffs, Iowa, probably knows. (Or you can find out here!)

4. Books Are Magic
“Books are magic and everyone needs a little magic in their lives. Our Little Free Library is an ode to Harry Potter and the wonderful J.K. Rowling. We hope you grab a book that speaks to you and get lost in the simple magic of reading.” –Steward Alison S., #54924, Pottstown, Pennsylvania

5. Platform 97 3/4?
Little Free Library #31302 in Barrie, Ontario, uses their real street number of 97 to pay tribute to Platform 9 3/4, where Harry, Ron, and Hermione board Hogwarts Express.

6. A Beautiful Bookstore
Where would Hermione be without Flourish & Blotts Bookstore? Little Free Library #60891 in Alameda, California, is a gorgeous tribute to the Diagon Alley shop.

7. Slytherin or Gryffindor?
This Little Free Library (#53166) in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, features the crests of Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. It’s located in a playground by the city’s downtown fire station.

8. A Library Tobias Stump Would Love
Little Free Library #20524 in Seattle, Washington, also showcases the four Hogwarts houses. It’s perched on an old tree stump, turning an eyesore into a favorite neighborhood destination. (It’s also a great example of how a purchased Little Free Library can be transformed!)

9. Directions to Hogsmeade, Please
If you’re looking for Hogwarts, Diagon Alley, the Ministry of Magic, or Hogsmeade, Little Free Library #59556 in Salinas, California, can show you the way.

10. Hold Onto Your Sorting Hats
In Decatur, Georgia, an unbelievably impressive Little Free Library (#44471) has four book-sharing boxes: one for each Hogwarts house! Which would you look in first?

11. Keep Out of the Restricted Section
Little Free Hogwarts #118650 in Los Alamitos, CA features a Hungarian Horntail keeping watch on the roof over a door that opens to read “Restricted Section: Do Not Enter.” You might need your invisibility cloak for this one!

If you want to celebrate Harry Potter Book Night along with us, fun resources are available here. Check out Scholastic and Lit World for more information on World Read Aloud Day. And to learn how you can start your own Little Free Library and support our mission to inspire a love of reading, build community, and spark creativity, visit our website.