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Be inspired by one of the activities from the list below or dream up another fitting project to make your neighborhood a better place.

Our list includes actions that directly relate to our mission to provide equitable book access, as well as actions that more generally spread kindness and build community. Tip: Don’t be afraid to start small!

Book-Related Activities:

  • Donate books about nature and environmentalism to schools, public libraries, or Little Free Libraries in your area.
  • Build a Little Free Library book exchange with recycled materials to place in your front yard.
  • Host a Little Free Library at your local laundromat, community park, or schoolyard (with permission).
  • Do you already have a Little Free Library? Host an event at your Library, like a book swap, story time for kids, poetry reading, or community get together.

Additional Activities:

  • Donate food, funds, or volunteer hours to a local food bank serving families in your area.
  • Make or buy small gifts for children in local family shelters or hospitals.
  • Organize a Meal Train for a new parent or someone struggling with illness.
  • Organize a clothing swap for kids in your area to trade their outgrown clothes.
  • Sign up to help Project Linus, which has delivered more than six million handmade blankets to kids and families in need.
  • Volunteer to do yard work, house painting, snow shoveling, and other chores for elderly members of your community or families who need an extra hand.
  • Organize a community clean-up day, when your group can pick up trash, remove graffiti, and beautify your neighborhood.
  • Paint a “kindness rock” and leave it for someone in your neighborhood to find.
  • Write thank-you notes to neighbors and businesses in your community who are making a positive impact on where you live.
  • Plant a community garden. At harvest time, invite everyone in the neighborhood to a garden party where they can meet new people, get to know each other, and take home free produce.
  • Collect new socks and donate them to a homeless shelter.
  • Provide gently used shoes to people who need them via Soles 4 Souls
  • Collect items like toiletries and stationery for care packages going to U.S. troops through Operation Shoebox.
  • Visit the Habitat for Humanity website to find out if there is a chapter in your area. Your group may be able to help build a new house for a family going through a difficult time.
  • Organize a “fun run” to raise money for your favorite cause.
  • Explore social justice training opportunities in your area.
  • Attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators to your area by planting native flowers or by making “seed bombs” with beneficial blooms.
  • Make care packages for people who are homeless and deliver them around your area. The packages could include items like bottled water, granola bars, and kind notes.