A Citywide Passport to Reading Event with Little Free Library book-sharing boxes

Saline resident Sandy Webster places books inside a Little Free Library book-sharing box in Risdon Park in Saline.

In a collaborative “Passport to the World of Books” event, volunteers and residents of Saline created a Little Free Library Passport. The idea was to kick off summer reading with a family-friendly reading… Continue reading A Citywide Passport to Reading Event with Little Free Library book-sharing boxes

Spreading Art through Little Free Libraries

The City of Brantford commissioned 10 local artists to design 10 Little Free Libraries, placed in public spaces around the city.

When you think of Little Free Libraries, your first thought probably goes to sharing books, or maybe to meeting neighbors. But Little Free Libraries are more than just quaint little… Continue reading Spreading Art through Little Free Libraries

Tips From The Field – How To Promote Your Library And Engage Your Community

Springdale Presbyterian’s Little Free Library

The Little Free Library outside of Springdale Presbyterian Church in Louisville, Kentucky is literally overflowing. From preschool field trips to plant sales, they have done such an excellent job promoting… Continue reading Tips From The Field – How To Promote Your Library And Engage Your Community

Steward Rhonda Adams Got 150 People to Attend her Library’s Grand Opening (and She Shares Exactly How She Did It!)

The Grand Opening Ceremony had around 150 people in attendance!

Have a Grand Opening Ceremony – It’s Important One of the key steps to starting a Little Free Library is the Grand Opening Ceremony. If you don’t know what that… Continue reading Steward Rhonda Adams Got 150 People to Attend her Library’s Grand Opening (and She Shares Exactly How She Did It!)

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