Book Opportunities

Book Giveaways for All

Simon & Schuster Summer Romance Bundle — ends July 31

Thanks to our friends at Simon & Schuster, 100 lucky LFL stewards and fans in the U.S. will win a summer romance book bundle! Each bundle will include a copy of Not If You Break Up with Me First by G.F. Miller, a witty romcom about middle school friends who accidentally find themselves dating, and The Ballad of Darcy and Russell by Morgan Matson, a romantic coming-of-age about love, fate, and one night that can change everything. These books are the perfect summer reads for romance fans from young adult to adult! Enter here. 

If you are a publisher and would like to participate in a book giveaway, view our publisher PDF to learn more about the ways we’d love to work together!

Book Giveaways for Stewards

Every month Little Free Library works with authors, publishers, and distributors on book giveaways and opportunities for you to purchase books at special prices. The opportunities listed here are for all LFL fans—check back regularly as opportunities change often! If you’re a Little Free Library steward, be sure to check out the Steward Book Directory! It showcases opportunities exclusively for stewards to receive free books from individuals and organizations worldwide.

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Shop Where Your Purchase Supports Little Free Library

Better World Books

Better World Books gives booklovers across the world access to the power of knowledge at an affordable price and helps them stay connected through reading. Better World Books strives to better the world, one book at a time, by making a difference with every purchase made through donations and environmental programs. Now through July 31, 2024, you can add a $1.00 donation to Little Free Library to your purchase at It’s simple: Buy Books. Do Good.

Book Bundles from the Little Free Library Online Store

These book bundles consist of high-quality, used books your patrons will love! Options for all ages are available, and you can sign up (and save!) for a quarterly subscription, which brings a fresh stock of books to your library every three months, and also includes a free gift with each delivery. Shop now.

Interstate Books4School

Little Free Library has partnered with Interstate Books4School to make low-cost books available to Little Free Library stewards and friends. Book prices start at $1! Choose from the Valu-Book collection for lowest costs. English, Spanish, and bilingual books are available; options include books for infants through grade 12. A portion of every book purchase from Books4School is donated to the Little Free Library organization! At checkout step #3, delivery method, click “Little Free Library FedEx/USPS.” Your cost is not affected!

Little Free Library’s Storefront is an online bookstore that makes it easy to buy books while financially supporting local, independent bookstores. When you shop through Little Free Library’s storefront, your purchase triggers at 10% commission to both local bookstores and the LFL nonprofit organization. Purchases from our Bookshop storefront support our programs, including the Impact Library Program, which serves high-need communities, and Read in Color, our diverse books initiative.


ThriftBooks is the largest independent seller of used books in the US. ThiftBooks hand-grades every book in inventory allowing them to offer a wide assortment of quality used, accurately graded books at everyday low prices. When you shop their collection of over 13 million used and new books, from favorite classics to rare and collectible treasures via our dedicated ThriftBooks link, up to 6% of your purchase will go directly to support Little Free Library programs.

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