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Impact Library Program Steward Stories, June 2024

By Sarah Nelson

Little Free Library’s Impact Library Program provides no-cost Little Free Library book-sharing boxes to underserved communities where they can make a meaningful impact on book access and literacy engagement. This month we heard from two stewards who were previously granted libraries through our Impact Library Program and wanted to share their stories.

Additionally, we granted 20 Impact Library Packages to applicants from schools, libraries, and nonprofit organizations in June 2024. These new Little Free Libraries will be expanding book access from Parma, ID to Pall Mall, TN and many areas in between! Learn more about where we’ve placed Impact Library Program awards over the years.

Kendra H. — #176978 in Centralia, IL

“Raccoon Grade School’s Little Free Library is officially open! Our lending library has books for all ages, pre-k through adult. Come borrow a book and enjoy! Books will be rotated out monthly by Ms. Herman’s homeroom class. Ms. Herman’s homeroom applied for a grant, furnishing the Little Library and books in October. The library and first set of books was completely funded by the Little Free Library Impact grant. Special thanks to Mr. McCoy for taking his time out today to install and assemble our library on his day off! Pictured is Ms. Herman’s homeroom putting the first set of books in the library. If anyone has any new or gently read books to donate, please take to the office and leave for Ms. Herman’s class!”

Lynn F. — #163073 in Silver Creek, NY

“I was so surprised and excited to learn my school was receiving a Little Free Library from the Impact Library Program. I wanted the LFL be a meaningful and evolving part of our school, so I started an after school program called Little Free Library Helpers. This group of 3-5th graders became the first junior stewards of our library. They began by learning about the history of LFL by reading “Little Libraries, Big Heroes” by Miranda Paul and John Parra. Then we contacted a Little Free Library steward in our area, Grandma Roxann, from Grandma Roxann’s Little Free Library #75785. We asked her questions about running the library, keeping it interesting and keeping it safe. Then we knew we needed a used book drive. As the books were coming in, the students stamped them with our charter stamp, organized them by age/interest and counted them.

We collected over 300 books in two weeks! It was then time to get ready to open the library. The children helped develop a presentation that taught the school what to expect at the library and how to properly use it. At an assembly, the presentation was shown, and the Silver Creek Elementary Little Free Library was up and running. We would like to thank all the donors of the impact library program for making this possible.”

Help us bring Little Free Libraries full of books where they’re needed most. Donate today! When you donate, you help us provide libraries to communities like these.