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5 Animal Visitors at Little Free Libraries

By Sarah Nelson

Little Free Library patrons come in all shapes and sizes! We have different reading tastes, backgrounds, and preferences. Everyone is welcome at Little Free Library book-sharing boxes! Even those visitors of the non-human kind. Here are some furry (and scaly!) Little Free Library patrons we’ve seen over the years.

1. Dogs

Pups are great Little Free Library visitors! It makes sense that they’d stop on their daily walks around the neighborhood. If you want to accommodate your four-legged patrons, we sell dog leash hooks and treat boxes to add on to your library in our online store.

2. Cats

Cats would be excellent readers! They appreciate the joy of finding a warm, sunny spot to curl up and relax.

3. Deer

These deer feel just as shy as some patrons do walking up to a Little Free Library to see what’s inside!

4. Turtles

There’s nothing like a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood to check out the nearby book-sharing boxes! Turtles can appreciate taking your time and being rewarded with a really great read.

5. Pokémon

I wonder what types of books these Pokémon are hoping to find in a Little Free Library!

Are you ready to bring a Little Free Library to your neighborhood? Learn how to start a library or check out these free plans and blueprints!