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Stock and Support Your Library

Keeping your library stocked with books and maintaining it over time can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve compiled our favorite resources for free or low-cost books below. We’ll also share the best places where you can connect with other stewards and get tips and tricks to keep your library running for years!

Shop Where Your Purchase Supports Little Free Library

Little Free Library’s Storefront is an online bookstore that makes it easy to buy books while financially supporting local, independent bookstores. When you shop through Little Free Library’s storefront, your purchase triggers a 10% commission to both local bookstores and the LFL nonprofit organization. Purchases from our Bookshop storefront support our programs, including the Impact Library Program, which serves high-need communities, and Read in Color, our diverse books initiative.

The Book Bundler

Have you checked out the book bundles we offer? Purchase books by age group or subscribe to have books delivered to your door every three months! Thanks to our partnership with The Book Bundler, you can keep your library stocked with high-quality books and support the Little Free Library nonprofit at the same time.

Interstate Books4School

Little Free Library has partnered with Interstate Books4School to make low-cost books available to Little Free Library stewards and friends. Book prices start at $1! Choose from the Valu-Book collection for lowest costs. English, Spanish, and bilingual books are available; options include books for infants through grade 12. A portion of every book purchase from Books4School is donated to the Little Free Library organization! At checkout step #3, select “Little Free Library FedEx/USPS” as the delivery method. Your cost is not affected!


ThriftBooks is the largest independent seller of used books in the US. ThiftBooks hand-grades every book in inventory allowing them to offer a wide assortment of quality used, accurately graded books at everyday low prices. When you shop their collection of over 13 million used and new books, from favorite classics to rare and collectible treasures via our dedicated ThriftBooks link, up to 6% of your purchase will go directly to support Little Free Library programs.

Log in to your steward account to access the Thriftbooks4Stewards Program and start receiving points to get free books! 

Check Out the Steward Book Directory

Don’t miss free book opportunities specifically for Little Free Library stewards! Available within your steward account, the Steward Book Directory is a place where individuals and organizations worldwide can offer free books to stewards. You will also find details on book discounts, such as the new ThriftBooks 4 Stewards program, in your account!

Request Support from Team LFL and Other Book Sources

Keeping your Little Free Library book-sharing box stocked with culturally-relevant, quality books is the key to its sustainability, but keeping a library stocked can be tough to do. If you need help, we’ve got ideas for you. Check out the resources below, including requesting volunteer support from Team LFL to help stock your library!

Request Support from Team LFL to Stock Your Library
  • Request help from Team LFL to keep your Little Free Library stocked with books! To qualify for support, your library must be registered. Staff will review your request before sharing it on the Team LFL website. We recommend that stewards requesting volunteer support map their library so that volunteers can easily find the location. While we will do our best to recruit volunteers, we cannot guarantee that a volunteer will respond. You know your community best. We encourage you to promote your Team LFL volunteer request locally.
Tips to Get More Books from Your Community
  • Host a Book drive. Review the How to Host a Book Drive document to host a book drive for your library!
  • Visit “Friends of the Library” groups in your community. They often have book sales offering steeply discounted books or free books to Little Free Library stewards. You can easily find local groups through online searches.
  • Remember, it’s okay to rely on your community for book support. If you aren’t able to keep your library fully stocked, you can leave it empty and ask others to donate books. It’s a community effort!
Recommended Places to Buy Affordable Books

Join the Facebook Group

Want to connect with thousands of other Little Free Library stewards across the globe? Join the Little Free Library Stewards Facebook group! This welcoming and helpful community is filled with stewards sharing their stories, advice, and support. Stumped on how to find books or repair part of your library? Someone in the group will be happy to share ideas on how to get it done! Note: you will need to know your charter number before you may join the group.

Get Our Guide to Building Community Support for Your Library

While some Little Free Library book-sharing boxes attract a lot of visitors right away, most require time and effort before that happens. Over the years, we’ve talked to hundreds of experienced stewards to get their best tips and tricks to maintain a successful library. Want to know how to get more visitors? Discover the best activities that patrons love? Learn how to handle common challenges? We’ve got you covered. Log in to your steward account to get the Guide to Building Community Support!

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