You’ve already set up your steward account—now you’re ready to set up your Little Free Library book exchange! Follow these easy steps to pick a good location, weatherproof your library, install it, and add some fun accessories! You’ll be sharing books in no time.

Choose a Location
Put your library where it’s easy to see and access! Aim for a spot that is well lit and accessible to those with limited mobility. Consider installing it low enough for kids to open the door. Click below to get more tips.
Check out these FAQs about library placement
- Read our detailed help doc on where to place your Little Free Library.
- Are there any liability issues with starting a Little Free Library?
- How do I get my homeowner’s association to allow a Little Free Library?
- Can I install a Little Free Library on public property?
- How to make your Little Free Library accessible.

Weatherproof Your Library
Make sure you paint or stain your Little Free Library book exchange before you place it outdoors! Raw wood exposed to rain or snow will deteriorate over time. Don’t forget to protect your library post, too.
Check out these FAQs on weatherproofing your library
- Follow our tutorial on how to paint your library.
- If your area gets a lot of snow, learn how to winterize your library.
- Review our recommended maintenance for a wooden library.
- Put caulk on the seams of the library if moisture is becoming an issue.
- A dryer sheet stuck inside the library can act as a deterrent to many pests (and keep your books smelling laundry fresh)!
- A Vaseline ring around the library post can work to keep ants out—they can’t climb through the Vaseline.
- Use foam or plastic weatherstripping around the door to protect against moisture.

Install Your Library
Here are our instructions to install a library on a wooden post. Consider purchasing a library post from our online store to make installation extra easy!
Get more tips on how and where to install your library
- Check out our video that shows how to install a Little Free Library on a wooden post.
- Our mobile library installation legs are perfect for indoor libraries!
- Consider installing your library in a large flower pot or barrel. This way it’s not permanently set in the ground.

Get Free Resource Downloads
Log in to your steward account to get tons of cute downloadable resources! Printable book labels, bookmarks, stickers, signs, and more are all there! Log in to your account to download them.