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Little Free Library & Imagination Library

Little Free Library is teaming up with two statewide programs of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, Arkansas and Washington, to provide a fun and unique opportunity for Library Stewards to promote reading and share information with library visitors about enrolling children for free books from Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. 

Raising a lifelong reader starts at home. Through access to age-appropriate books, a child’s mind and curiosity can be expanded in their earliest years of life. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library places books in the hands and hearts of young children all across the world—mailing one free, high-quality book every month to children from birth up to age five, at no cost to the family.

Learn more about our partnership with the statewide Imagination Library programs and find out how you can get involved today by clicking the links below!

Arkansas Imagination Library
Imagination Library Washington