Read in Color

Read in Color® brings diverse books to Little Free Library book-sharing boxes. Read in Color distributes books that provide perspectives on racism and social justice; celebrate BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and other marginalized voices; and incorporate experiences from all identities for all readers.

Today 46% of children’s books depict non-white characters. We believe everyone should be able to see themselves in the pages of a book. We also know that books can be a window into experiences that are different from our own. By reading diverse books, we can increase understanding, empathy, and inclusion.

Read in Color’s Roots

The Little Free Library nonprofit is headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota, and many of our staff members call the Twin Cities home.

When George Floyd was murdered in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020, we worked with our community to develop Read in Color to help create meaningful change. More than 10,000 diverse books and 30 Little Free Libraries have been granted in the Twin Cities to date.

In 2021 and 2022, Read in Color has expanded nationwide to 14 additional cities with more on the way! In total, more than 200 Little Free Libraries have been established in high-impact areas and 50,000 diverse books have been granted.

About Read in Color

Read in Color aims to amplify diverse voices at a grassroots, community level. The program has three key components:

  • Little Free Library installations. We grant new Little Free Library book-sharing boxes filled with culturally relevant books in high-need communities on a city-by-city basis, working in tandem with local partners. We have installed libraries in over a dozen cities nationwide with more to come. Are you part of an organization that should be a Read in Color partner? Encourage them to check out our Get Involved page for more information!
  • Recommended reading lists. Our Diverse Books Advisory Group provides a list of multicultural books for children, adolescents, and adults representing Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian American, Muslim, LGBTQ+, and other communities.
  • Read in Color pledge. Everyone can sign a pledge indicating their commitment to read and share diverse books. Participants have the option to showcase their commitment on our Pledge Wall and have access to special Read in Color resources.

Get Involved with Read in Color

You can Read in Color and help bring diverse books to every neighborhood! Here’s how to get involved:

  • Sign the pledge. Take the Read in Color pledge and receive access to bookmarks, stickers, and social media badges. Little Free Library stewards can also access a Read in Color sign for your library door! 
  • Share diverse books. If you’re a steward, share diverse books in your own Little Free Library book-sharing box. If you don’t have a Little Free Library of your own, share diverse books in a little library in your neighborhood. (Find a nearby location using our map.)
  • Spread the word. Post about your participation in Read in Color on social media. We’d love to see photos of you sharing books in Little Free Libraries! Use #ReadinColor and tag us @LittleFreeLibrary (Facebook and Instagram) or @LtlFreeLibrary (Twitter).
  • Donate. Help us bring diverse books to communities nationwide by donating to Little Free Library.

See Where Read in Color Has Launched Nationwide

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