Impact Library Program Steward Stories, May 2024

By Sarah Nelson

Little Free Library’s Impact Library Program provides no-cost Little Free Library book-sharing boxes to underserved communities where they can make a meaningful impact on book access and literacy engagement. This month we heard from two stewards who were previously granted libraries through our Impact Library Program and wanted to share their stories.

Additionally, we granted 18 Impact Library Packages to applicants from schools, libraries, and nonprofit organizations in May 2024. These new Little Free Libraries will be expanding book access from Salem, OR to Sorrento, LA and many areas in between! Learn more about where we’ve placed Impact Library Program awards over the years.

Hilary S. — #151388 in Warsaw, IN

“We love our Little Free Library! Our whole family gets involved with sharing books. We get so excited when we glance out the window and see people visiting the LFL. We love giving back to our community in this way!”

Annie T. — #178393 in Columbus, OH

“This is a children’s book library. It was kindly provided by a grant from the Impact Library Program. This library has been a great way to bring our community together. Several neighbors stopped by while it was being installed. They offered to donate books and help install it. Those who were most excited were the children of the neighborhood who stayed out reading until dark. I am blown away by the generosity of the Impact Library Program as well as local community members who have donated books to keep the library fully stocked for our young readers.”

Help us bring Little Free Libraries full of books where they’re needed most. Donate today! When you donate, you help us provide libraries to communities like these.

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