Honor Wall

Honor your loved one by making an honorary or memorial gift to Little Free Library! When you make an honorary gift of $50 or more, you may share a story on the Honor Wall below. It’s a lasting and heartfelt way to pay tribute to someone special, and it will support Little Free Library’s mission to build stronger communities, improve literacy, and expand book access for all.

In Memory Of
N. Venkataraman

Thanks Dad for making sure I never wanted; for my love of reading and learning; for teaching me how money works and to never be bound by it.

Submitted by Sukanya Venkataraman
In Memory Of
Paul Demille

My father built us floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, to house all the many kinds of books we kept reading. Novels, mysteries, history, reference, technical manuals. Thanks dad.

Submitted by Margaret Demille
In Memory Of
Joseph Sposito

Uncle Joe is the most beloved member of our family and is still remembered decades after he passed. Fortunately for me, Uncle Joe was my dad!

Submitted by Joan Monk
In Memory Of
Robert M. Bonnette

I honor your memory because you instilled in me a love of reading and education. Raise the Bar! Love Sonya

Submitted by Sonya Hemmen
In Honor Of
Kim & Bruce McIntyre

Thanks for setting me on the path to the “Library” and super big Thanks for spiffing up my several years old LFL!

Submitted by Margaret Pesce
In Honor Of
Jenna deCastro

For Jenna, who opened up books for me and is the greatest lover of words I have ever known.

Submitted by Casey Casias
In Memory Of
Neil Galligan

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies…The man who never reads lives only one.” George R. R. Martin

Submitted by Jean Norris
In Memory Of

My mother was an avid reader and instilled that passion with me as a teenager. Unfortunately it took several decades to sink in!

Submitted by HANK MILLER
In Honor Of
Mira Becker

Mommy, thank you for raising a reader and for fostering a passion and love of books! I really enjoy attending to our Library and exploring Libraries in the neighborhood.

Submitted by Becker V
In Memory Of
Donald Chase

Thank you daddy for reading me bedtime stories every night as a kid. I’ll always remember the far away adventures you gave me by simply reading good books.

Submitted by Renee Smith
In Honor Of
Brenda Gorgone

Happy Mother’s Day to my mother Brenda & sisters Jan & Cheryl. Thank you for the trips to the library, books & read-alouds that shaped the librarian I am today.

Submitted by Lynn Weeks
In Honor Of
Charlotte Penniman

My wife and mother of my children, Charlotte, taught our children a love of books and reading. This trait has served them well. Thank you Charlotte!

Submitted by William Penniman
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